I’m a Starving Gardener

Farmstand in Costa Rica

I have this vision in my mind… A dinner meal on the table made up of 100% of my own farmstead meat and produce. Shouldn’t be that complicated, right?! The human species has been growing and cultivating their own food since the beginning of time. I mean, we wouldn’t even be alive right now if someone wasn’t doing it.

Well, here’s a spoiler for you: not everyone is good at growing produce on day one. And, if you’re reading this blog right now hoping for some great gardening know-how, I am not a source for that knowledge.

Just to remind my readers (and inform my new readers), I live in suburbia and farm part-time out on the farmstead. I have raised garden beds at my “suburban farm.” I’ve also tried container planting there over the years. Honestly, with very little success.

I’ve heard that tomatoes are very easy to grow. I have yet to actually eat a tomato that I have grown. Either the bugs get them first, or the birds do, or they just don’t grow to a normal size.

Haven’t been too successful at fruit (blueberries and strawberries) for the same reason. The bugs and birds really seem to like them and are checking for their ripeness before it even crosses my mind to do so.

Vegetables are easier. Just like kids (and possibly yourself), the birds and insects don’t seem to want to eat them as much. I’ve been successful with beans, peas, green onions, and leaf lettuce. I guess you could say I can grow garlic. I just haven’t figured out the drying process.

While the reality of a homegrown meal sitting on the dinner table is still a bit far off for me, I still keep putting those tiny seeds in the ground and spend every day watering them. Each seed planted is a new lesson learned.