Let’s Meet the Flock!

Have you ever heard that chickens each have their own individual personalities? It’s absolutely true! This is my sweet little flock that I raised from chicks.

The top orange chicken is Chickoletta. Named by my five-year-old because this is her bird. She’s a super sweet chicken that loves attention, loves to be held, and loves to socialize with us.

The chicken on the bottom left is Big Mama. No real mystery there as to how she got that name. She’s always watching me and making sure I get the coop cleaned out according to her specifications. She jumps on top of the coop and pecks at my hair while I’m cleaning it. Big Mama is always investigating and making sure everything’s ok. Notice how she’s checking out the camera during her photo shoot?

Next is our grey lady, Dora. She is always exploring. She’s the first to try anything and go anywhere. As a chick she was the first, and only one, to escape her brooder. She tries to sneak off when the guinea isn’t looking.

The middle bird is our Turken aka Naked Neck chicken. Her name is Jerken because well…she’s a bit of a rude stinker. She’s always pecking and bossing all of us around (me and the chickens). When she’s mad, she makes this deep growling sound. When I was taking these photos, all the other chickens were front and center but I had to search for Jerken because she was in the corner growling.

Next is my guinea. I just call it guinea guinea but she’s also known as Marsha and Sid. Marsha because of her marshmallow looking wattles and Sid because the rest of her guinea family abandoned her (like Sid on the movie Ice Age). That’s a separate blog on how not to introduce guineas to your farmstead. She is the boss of the group keeping the flock together and calling them all in to the chicken run when play time is over.

Then there’s my Little Roo. He’s a miniature rooster. I didn’t really want a rooster but this chicken breed was so pretty and sold as a straight run (unsexed) so I took the chance. I’m happy to have him in my flock. He’s so handsome and his little rooster crow is just adorable.

So, there they are. My farmstead flock of egglayers, a semi-useless guinea, and Little Roo.

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